Martyna Zastawna

A pioneer and promoter of circularity in the clothing industry. According to Forbes weekly, one of the most influential women and a leader in sustainable development. Founder of the woshwosh brand and these girls marketing agency, lecturer and mentor. Climate expert at the European Investment Bank and the United Nations. Author of many social and environmental campaigns awarded in Poland and abroad. In 2023, she was one of 15 women in the world selected by the US Department of State for the elite Fortune Most Powerful Women mentoring program.

Katarzyna Stasiuk

I am a habilitated doctor (DSc) in psychology, professor at the Institute of Applied Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow. I specialise in social psychology and the psychology of consumer behaviour. I conduct research on social perception, social influence and motivation. I also have many years of practical experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative market research. I am the author and co-author of dozens of articles in the field of social and consumer psychology, as well as the books ‘Psychology of the Consumer’ and ‘Psychological Aspects of Expert Perception’. I am a member of the Polish Association of Social Psychology and the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative. Recently, my interests have been mainly focused on issues of sustainable consumption.

Małgorzata Czudak

I am a clothing designer, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź – specialisation in clothing design. I run the Fashion Studio 240 at the Academy of Fine Arts (together with Michał Szulc), I hold the rank of professor at the Academy of Fine Arts. I’m passionate about fashion and design and I am an author of articles on trends and trade fair reports. I show, teach and explain the ins and outs of fashion in lectures and workshops. My mission is fashion and knowledge. I know technology, construction, materials and the industry – not only theoretically, but above all from practice. I have worked with fashion companies, but for the last few years I have been creating collections under my own name and organising presentations that are a combination of events from the world of fashion, lifestyle and music. I like minimalism, and if it wasn’t for my love of Łódź, I would live in my beloved Florence.

Masters of practice

Faustyna Szufler

My sewing adventure started at the end of junior high school with altering clothes. I ran a fashion blog, shopped in second hand stores and remade clothes for myself. As time went on, I also started to learn sewing from scratch and finished school in this field. For many years now, sewing has been part of my everyday life and thanks to these skills, I can extend the life of my clothes and repair them to make them last longer. I would like more and more people to try to give clothes a second life, instead of throwing them away.

Angelika Witek

I am 22 years old and for the last few years I have been indulging my passion for reworking clothes, giving them new life. I am studying social policy management and this year I graduated from the Kraków Art Schools with a degree in Artistic Fashion Design. I love challenges, because they spur me on to constantly improve my creativity. I get real satisfaction when I face adversity and then overcome it. For me, upcycling is not only a way to create unique, sustainable clothes, but also a way to express myself and communicate my vision of the world.

Monika Jurasik

I have been customising clothes for over 13 years. It started back in high school, when I painted my first, somewhat grubby, T-shirts and jackets for friends and family. Today I own a business specialising in embroidery and hand-painting garments, as well as running workshops and teaching painting, altering, cutting and splashing… which is simply to say – I infect other creative souls with my lifelong passion.


Justyna Kozłowskapion

With 4 children, there are a lot of clothes in my house, more and more all the time as the children grow. I try to peek inside second hand shops economically and grab clothes from other mums. I’m also paying more attention to the care of clothes, so that they can last for the next children, and so that I don’t have to replenish my wardrobe. How often we wash, at what temperature and with which detergents makes a huge difference, not only to the quality of our clothes, but also to the planet. Proper care of clothes saves water, energy and reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.


Kasia Szymkówpion

Consciously building a wardrobe is one of the themes of my blog and social media channels. For the past few years, I have been paying close attention to the composition and quality of the clothes I buy and, in doing so, I encourage my followers to build a timeless wardrobe, full of good quality clothes that are much more enjoyable (and longer lasting) than random items from ill-considered purchases. Once you’ve managed to put together the wardrobe of your dreams (or at least a substitute for it), it’s good to know how to look after it properly, so that all your things last as long as possible. Participating in this campaign gives me the opportunity to continue my little mission on an even bigger scale.

M. Jagnickapion

I choose my clothes carefully and after thinking about whether I really need them – the ones I buy I want to last with me for as long as possible. I read the labels, I follow the washing recommendations, and this is very important when it comes to a thick wool jumper or a silk blouse. When I have a dress I love, I imagine I’ll be able to dress in it even when I’m an old lady. I’m always keen to educate myself about taking care of clothes and fabrics, which is why I was happy to join LPP’s ‘Take care of your clothes’ campaign.



We are a Polish clothing manufacturer. Our history dates back to 1991. Over three decades we have built a company that is now one of the most dynamically developing clothing companies in the CEE region. We create added value for the Polish economy, while consistently investing in the development of local entrepreneurship. Through our activity in nearly 40 markets around the world, we continuously drive Polish exports. We manage five recognisable fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito and Sinsay.

We build our business by adapting the offer of each brand to the preferences of customers in the different parts of the world where our brands are present.

Although today we already operate on three continents, we will always remain a company with Polish roots. Concepts for our brands are created in Poland and strategic decisions are made here. We promote Polish creativity and implement native inspirations, because we are proud that LPP is a Polish clothing company.

mohito-logoreservedsinsay-logohouse nowe logocropp-logo



The climate challenges of the modern world have been a strong driver of our development for several years. We are committed to creating responsible fashion and putting clothes into the hands of our customers that generate an ever smaller environmental footprint. That is why we are already working on solutions that will allow us to turn textile waste into resources in the future. In doing so, we do not forget to incorporate materials with a lower carbon footprint than their conventional counterparts or recycled textiles into our collections.

We invite you into our world of sustainability. Learn about our goals, see how we achieve them, what our response to the challenges of today’s world looks like and where we draw our knowledge from to offer increasingly responsible fashion to our customers.

For more information see:


Find out more about the „Care For Clothes” campaign. Read. Check. Care.

Find out how your clothing care affects the environment.